Friday, December 4, 2009

Breaking a Lower Law...

Every so often you meet somebody that has a way of polarizing people, despite - or perhaps because of -- having the best of intentions. Such is the case with Andi Elliott, who runs the Upper Valley Humane Society.

Her effort to save an injured dog in Jefferson County resulted in a trespassing charge filed against her. The problem, is that she did everything right. She civilly worked with the dog's owner, law enforcement, and neighbors to try and get some help for the injured nursing mother dog that had been hit. The dog was suffering from a broken hip and leg.

While I've had no prior problem with the Sheriff of Jefferson County, Blair Olsen, I have to stop and wonder what in the world is happening when law enforcement officers are enforcing the law, but only selectively.

Three or four callers to my show, both commenting and voting in a FlashPoll, seemed to think looking the other way when an animal is hurt is ok. Fortunately, however, the vast majority calling in Thursday understand the concept of minimizing suffering among all of God's creatures.

While normally I lovingly ridicule the "pet people" of the world, I stand with them on this issue. I think most of us do.

I'm not calling for the Sheriff's ouster, nor do I think there needs to be a big investigation. Revenge isn't really important here. What is important is for officers to enforce all the laws, including laws against cruel treatment and neglect of animals.

I applaud Andi Elliott. Sometimes we have to break a lower law to keep a higher one. She did that and she should be praised, not prosecuted.


Anonymous said...

What ever came of humanely putting an injured dog down when it was severely wounded. Perhaps if not for the charity towards the puppies this was not done. What a terrible waste of time and effort of local law enforcement time and money!!!!! The people who put animal life above human life are are guilty of a higher law.

Anonymous said...

But their morals are so much purer than everybody else's. They spew their hatred towards other people, but love animals so, so much? That still confuses me.

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