Monday, November 30, 2009

Just some thoughts

I don't have any one thing to write about today, just some thoughts. And yes, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for asking!

There's trouble for Mike Huckabee. There's something I think we all like about ol' Huck, but this isn't one of them. His record of paroling hardened criminals is coming back on him. Turns out, the guy who shot and killed four cops in Washington was out on the streets thanks to the former Arkansas governor. You might remember Huckabee getting some criticism during his Presidential run for his paroling penchant. While Huck is often mentioned as a Presidential contender for 2012, I can just see the opposition ads right now -- families of the four police officers, ominous music. This may just be enough to scare him away from another run.

And what do you think about the couple who snuck their way into the White House to a reception and dinner, shaking the President's hand, and rubbing shoulders with the administration's top people? While officials say this constitutes a major security breach, and I don't disagree, what strikes me is the insatiable need for media attention. Perhaps as a talk show host, I'm the pot calling the kettle black here, but these people aren't unlike the ballon boy's father. I don't remember their names, and I don't even care enough to look it up. People will do stupid things that will clearly get them into legal trouble for an oppportunity to be on a reality show, make money for an interview, or ink a lucrative book deal. It's sick.

On Tiger Woods. This has been one of the big stories from over the weekend. It's an overblown story. It appears he had a nasty fight with his wife, and crashed his Escalade into a tree and a fire hydrant. End of story. I'm not sure this warrants even the tiny bit of attention I've given it here.

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