Monday, February 22, 2010

Just What We Need: A Ron Paul Re-emergence

Ron Paul won the CPAC straw poll. For those of us who can separate the concepts of ideological purity from electoral viability, this is not good news. I was hoping for some peace, and this isn't helping.

When you try to tell the crazies that Ron Paul was running against a whole host of other names, their eyes will glaze over and they will mutter something along the lines, "doesn't matter, he got the most votes."

When you try to tell them that while he won a third of the votes, it was among die-hard conservatives, and that his appeal beyond that group is severely limited, they'll call you an unpatriotic imbecilic heathen.

In fact, I believe that straw-polling a plethora of candidates should include a 2nd choice option. Doing it that way would provide a much clearer idea of various candidates' viability. Think for a moment. How many non-Ron Paul voters would have chosen Ron Paul as their second choice? Hands please.... Few, if any.

So, I guess I'll be tolerating another few days of putting up with the you-hate-the-Constitution-and-America-because-you-don't-support-Ron-Paul calls and emails. Such is life.

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