Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rex ought to surprise us all

Last week Rex Rammell's mouth delivered yet another controversy. In responding to a lousy attempt at humor by a Rammell rally attendee, Rex made an even dumber follow-up joke about buying an "Obama tag" and hunting the President of the United States.

Rex, Rex, Rex.

There are a TON of worthwhile jokes that could be made about our President. Shooting him isn't among them. Idaho's Congressional delegation -- all four of them -- and our governor publicly condemned Rex and told him he ought to apologize. Ya, like that's going to happen.

So this week, Rex is holding a couple of press conferences to talk about the issue. I don't know for sure, but I think he's going to tell some people they can "go to hell." I'm just guessing, because I know Rex.

I like Rex, don't get me wrong. In fact, he called me Monday, and he'll be on the show Wednesday to talk about it. We have a good working relationship. He trusts me to tell him the truth, and I trust him to frequently give me the opportunity to have to. I'm just sayin'.

Anyway -- Rex should have apologized. Not just because it's the right thing to do, morally speaking, but it would have been the right move strategically. Oddly enough, in Rex's case, an apology would have surprised more people - and pleasantly so - than him making a joke about shooting the President of the United States. Sometimes I think if you say something terrible, and then make an unanticipated apology, you can get further ahead than you were before you said something terrible.

I've been married for almost fifteen years and I've become very well acquainted with the saying-something-stupid cycle. I never pre-meditate the process, but if I say something foolish and stupid, and then really, sincerely, truly apologize -- my wife can't keep her hands off of me. Like I said, I've never pre-meditated the process, but I can't say I've never thought about it. Just sayin'.

So, Rex, for the good of your campaign, my friend, you ought to apologize.

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