Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Charges of racism, crying wolf

John Stossel has succinctly pointed out that anyone who criticizes the President, or his proposals, is promptly called a racist. It's sort of a new version of the "vast right-wing conspiracy", simply the latest effort to distract us from what the angry outrage really is: legitimate concerns from right and center Americans who ain't buyin' what the liberals are sellin'.

The problem is that everyone knows that genuine dissent doesn't equal racism. I'm pleased to see that the dissenters aren't cowering away from false accusations of bigotry. I don't care what color skin the President has, socialism is NOT what America needs or wants.

How uncreative to simply revert to racism! What cowardice to hide behind racial identity!

At some point, you've probably been the target of "the guy" who tried to get you to join AmWay. Whenever "the guy" comes around, you know that you're going to have to endure a sales pitch. "The guy" each time may have a revised approach, and the name of what he's trying to sell may have changed, but you know it's the same darn thing, and you don't want it.

President Obama and his liberal supporters in Congress have become "the guy" who keeps trying to sell some undesired product, hoping the latest version of their sales pitch will be the one that is convincing.

The more they talk, the madder we get. And a growing number of folks are seeing through their efforts. Charges of racism prove, not that the accused are racist, but that the accusers can't seem to get the issue of race off their mind.

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