Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tattoos, piercings, and ear gauges, oh my!

A few days ago as I was walking around Wal-mart, I decided to count tattoos on people. Actually, the number of people with tattoos. Not because I wanted to make a judgement. Rather, I like to observe. I'm a people-watcher.

I saw all genders and ages of folks donning the colorful "body art". When I observe anything, I try to see with clear eyes, putting even my religious and cultural values aside for a moment, simply to try and understand, to empathize without judgement.

Try as I might, I just don't get it. I'd understand a little better, perhaps, if the tattoos lasted just a few months, or even a year or two. They don't. While there are procedures to remove tattoos, the skin can't be restored to it's former state. You might not care when you're twenty, or twenty-five. But at some point you're not twenty-five anymore. Saturday Night Live had a great bit starring Amy Poehler a few years back. It's a little crass, but worth a laugh:

Excessive piercings go right along with tattoos. One or two in the earlobe, ok. But the lip? The tongue. The nipple?! Why, why, why!

And what about those ear gauges...Somewhere along the line, people confused "cool" with "stupid".

You might say all of these things are for the sake of self-expression. Fine. But what are you expressing except "I like to put holes and irreversible pictures on myself." If you want to express yourself, go get a t-shirt made. At least you can take it off once you change your mind, and it won't leave a big painful hole in some body part.


MTA15T said...
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Shelby said...

Well sir you ideas are your ideas. Frankly no one cares what some old dude thinks about the new "cool" thing to do. It's a new style, get over it.

La Cretta said...

Everyone's opinion is different due to taste and style and decided whats cool or just plain "stupidity" in my opinion i would have to disagree with you on the gauges topic, they are just as much as a form of self expression they display what the individual thinks and how they like to express themselves.

-La Crets

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