Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Statute of limitations

President Bush hasn't been able to wield his Texas-sized machete of destruction for six months now. Yet if you listen to the left, he's still at it, killing kids and strangling grandmas. You know, like he did for eight years in the White House.

We have lots of national commemorative days. We have them for everything. National Children's Book Day. Middle Name Pride Day. We even have National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Arrgh!

What about having a National Stop Blaming your Predecessor Day, for President Obama?

Remember how we were promised that the gargantuan stimulus bill would make sure unemployment wouldn't exceed 8.5 per cent? Here we are, a full percentage point above that. No way in Hades it could be because the stimulus bill didn't work. It's because Bush snuck into the Department of Labor with his machete one night, and made sure lots of people lost their jobs. (And he killed the night security guard while he was at it.)

At some point, President Obama has to start playing with the big boys. It's not enough to be smooth. It's not enough to be the first Black President. Sorry to break it to all of you who hate Bush, but telling the country how bad the old guy messed up is NOT leadership.

Somehow B.O.'s actions haven't caught up with his promise of looking forward and taking responsibility. And I think the patience of the American people is wearing thinner and thinner by the day.

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