Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Should Michael Jackson be memorialized?

I think only the deluded believe Michael Jackson didn't molest young boys. And normally the title of pedophile pretty much eclipses any other title one attains in life.

Consider just a couple of examples. When you think "O.J. Simpson", what's the first thing that comes to your mind? I'm betting it's not the Heismann, but rather a white bronco, or a bloody glove, or the images of Ron and Nichole's slit throats. What about Phil Specter? His considerable contributions to the music industry have been fully eclipsed by his transition to an insane, weird, wild-haired, pale-faced killer.

But back to Michael Jackson. Why is this case different? Was his star power so potent that the fact he liked sharing his bed with young boys is just an inconvenient and forgettable footnote? His death is drawing the A-list of entertainers and dignitaries. Who else could have pulled off that dance move?

I don't doubt that MJ was screwed up almost from day one. His home life growing up was oppressive. The bright lights shining on him at a young age certainly altered his perception beyond reality. He deserves leniency for certain, but I worry that so spectacularly memorializing an entertainer despite his pedophilia not only sends a bad message, but illustrates the idolatrous nature of the masses.

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