Thursday, August 23, 2007

Which One's the Terrorist?

First of all, this is an object lesson to illustrate the importance of border security with Mexico.

I took the liberty of downloading some photos. One of these six men is an Islamic terrorist. The other five are mexican criminals. Guess which one is the terrorist, using the comment link below. I'm excited to see your guesses.


Anonymous said...

I vote E.

Anonymous said...

I'm tossed between C or F,they are the only two with enough facial hair. Both look straight at the camera. F looks like he is not wearing a shirt and may have tatoos on the neck. Therefor my vote is for "C".

Anonymous said...

Since they all look like enemies to me, I guess A. Although none of them look more stupid than the other, so I guess it could be any one of them.

Anonymous said...

I go with E

Anonymous said...

They all look like terroists to me.

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