Friday, October 9, 2009

Congratulations, Mr. President!

So President BHO wins the Nobel Peace Prize just a few months into his Presidency...

Some of the lesser-publicized awards from the Nobel Committee:

The Nobel fastest runner Prize goes to...

Stephen Hawking.

The Nobel best singer Prize goes to...

Roseanne Barr

The Nobel honesty and chastity Prize is awarded to:

Bill Clinton

The Nobel Ugly Prize goes to...

Jessica Biel.

And, finally, the Nobel good-lookin'-woman Prize winner is....

Helen Thomas.

I'm just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

You're making fun of Stephen Hawking for being in a wheelchair? Do you feel proud of that? Did you show that piece of creative brilliance to your mom?

Anonymous said...
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Neal Larson said...

Actually -- Anonymous (the first one) -- I was making fun of the Nobel Committee, not Stephen Hawking -- who is brilliant. Sorry if you were offended... that wasn't the intent.

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