Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hot Mormon Muffins?!

What? Are you kidding me?

So Chad Hardy, the notorious creator of the "Men on a Mission" calendar is at it again. This time, instead of desecrating the image of the Church's missionaries, he's going after the typical "Mormon housewife stereotype" with his latest "Hot Mormom Muffin" calendar.

This new piece of skanky trash shows a dozen different mothers who are presumably LDS. Each of them has varying levels of clothing on. All of them look provocative.

I'm curious to know what courageous message these 12 pillars of motherhood are trying to send to their children and the world....

"Look how skanky I am."?
"Look, kids, I'm still trying to be a teenager, even though I'm 35!"?

In Hardy's mind, I'm sure he's being courageous, funny, creative, and hilarious.

The truth is, however, is that he's leading a sad and prideful life, insisting on pushing limits he shouldn't. I feel badly for the women who feel the need, in their mid-30's and older, to show off their bodies for some kind of self worth, all under the banner of motherhood. I feel even worse for their children.

This doesn't apply to just LDS mothers. Women who are modest, confident, composed, and dignified are always far more appealing, even sexier, than those who strip down and show off their stuff.

I've always believed that the most secure people are those who don't have to prove it.

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