Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Elder Oaks Hits a Home Run

This week Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the LDS Church's Quorum of the Twelve spoke to BYU-Idaho students, and candidly expressed his dismay at the level of criticism directed at people of faith.

Specifically he spoke of the Proposition 8 backlash against Latter-Day Saints and those of other faiths who became targets of vitriolic rage by gay rights activists.

Speaking as a Latter Day Saint, it's always refreshing to hear our church leaders speak openly and candidly about a divisive issue.

My thought-provoking question... For those of us who believe in scriptural teachings, and that God talks to us and gives us direction, are we ever conflicted by His counsel to avoid contention and be accepting of others, while at the same time we're charged to contend for the faith, and to defend our traditional cultural and religious heritage?

If you want to see a Q&A with Elder Oaks, here it is...

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