Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Obama: Anti-Christ Superstar

Since a short video clip arrived in my inbox a few days ago, I've been intrigued by both the contents of the video and the response people have when they watch it. It's been as much a mini-lesson in sociology as anything. You can watch the video below, but the gist is this: In the Gospel of Luke Christ is recorded as saying he saw Satan as lightning falling from heaven. Using ancient Aramaic words, "lightning from heaven" could be tranlated as "Baraq O Baw-maw".

The video is a joke. Everyone knows the Anti-Christ is Nancy Pelosi.

Actually, from what my limited research revealed, those ancient aramaic words exist and they mean what the video says they mean.

So -- me being the "throw caution to the wind" sort of person I am - I knew the video would generate a reaction from anyone who sees it. So I posted it to my Facebook profile. Any serious implication that the President is the much-discussed and ominous-sounding Antichrist from the Bible is going to do something emotionally to those who hear it. Here it is:

To those who support the President, they found the video offensive and disgusting. Others, who aren't exactly in Obama's camp thought the video was loony. Others simply observed it as "interesting." The reactions were mixed.

I was a little hesitant in posting it, because I didn't want people making judgements about me, even though they know I'm not an Obama fan. I was more interested in the reaction than I was in spreading anti-Obama sensationalism.

As for what I think (as though that matters in this morass of speculation)? I have no clue. The Internet tells us that Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Saddam Hussein, and many others were the anti-Christ. Bottom line, from a scriptural standpoint, is that it doesn't really matter. The AC is or will be the AC. I know where I stand, and where I teach my family to stand, and I think it's less important who it is than what he/she is trying to do.

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