Friday, September 18, 2009

Charlize Theron

So Charlize Theron was on The View yesterday, and was applauded by audience and hosts when she declared that she refused to get married until her gay friends could do the same.

I'm trying to figure out if this is a... threat? Promise? What? What sort of response was I supposed to have? Run out and suddenly support gay marriage, so Charlize and Stuart Townsend can finally get married, because our lives cannot be complete until they exchange their vows?

I chuckle inside thinking that Charlize Theron speaks as though she and her Hollywood ilk have any moral authority to speak on and defend the institution of marriage. I'm already thinking of writing a spoof book and call it "Hollywood's guide to a happy marriage". Ha!

Hollywood doesn't wait to start having sex until marriage. They don't wait to have kids until after a nuptial commitment. And it's clear that once they do tie the knot it's a pretty loose knot, easily untied. So at the end of the day, what is marriage to them beyond a nice white dress, tux, pretty music, fancy food, and a few friends and acquaintances?

Hollywood doesn't often have what it takes to even be married. It's a bunch of self-absorbed, me-centered, all-important pretty people who have no real connection with how real people live.

Charlize, one last jab... If you are so self-absorbed to think anyone cares that you refuse to be married until gays can be married, you're probably not equipped to engage in the selfless and sacrificial practice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one!

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