Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"The Clown from Minnesota"

As reported at

[Sen. James] Inhofe said the much-anticipated conclusion of a Senate race in Minnesota that will give Democrats the 60 votes needed to overcome Republican filibusters would not be enough to save the climate change bill.

“I’ll tell you what a lot of people are thinking, and that is it looks like things are going to be over and we are going to get the clown from Minnesota,’’ he said.

“They are not going to get more than 35 votes.’’

Asked if he was referring to Al Franken as the clown from Minnesota, Inhofe confirmed he was.

Senator Inhofe is dead wrong. Clowns, by definition, must be funny. Perhaps Al "Stewart Smalley" Franken used to be funny, but he's morphed into an angry tantrum-throwing liberal.

When I was a producer for a number of talk shows at another operation, we had some of our hosts in Washington DC at CPAC. Al Franken happened to be there at the same time, while he was with Air America, and he was losing his temper left and right, yelling at people. Swearing. (Imagine the sounds of cuckoo clocks chiming right now).

I think that the heat of the US Senate will, at times, prove too much for Al. I'm looking forward to the grotesque but comical meltdowns I expect to see from this.

I could be wrong. He might be good enough, and smart enough. And I suppose that, doggone it, some people like him.

But I doubt it.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the honorable Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken:

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