Monday, July 20, 2009

Anger at the non-socialist child...

Eleven-year-old Carynn Harris of Idaho Falls had the audacity to write in to the Post Register and wonder why "people who don't need fed are going to the school and getting fed by the government."

Fearing that Carynn's parents may actually be teaching their daughter that people ought to be more self-sufficient, four adults (so far) in the PR's online forum have piled on their angry outrage that this tween girl isn't growing up to be the type of good little socialist we pay our schools good money to churn out.

These four -- and I will name them: Darlene, Annette, Kristen, and Dan -- should all be ashamed of themselves. Regardless of the nature of a child's opinion, anyone this young making an effort to express and develop political thought should be encouraged. Instead, Carynn is slammed, accused of being a proxy for politically active parents and told to shut up because there's no way an eleven-year-old is paying taxes anyway.

And to Carynn -- I'll be at least one voice of encouragement for you here. Anytime you stir the ire of four people who believe folks are entitled to anything the governmnent can confiscate from productive people with the intent to redistribute to anyone willing to put their hand out -- you've done well. Keep it up and don't be discouraged! We need more like you to stand in the face of misguided adults who are peddling their socialist doctrines and get angry when they hit a speed bump.


Anonymous said...

I missed where you defended the young hillcrest student who has been writing left-leaning opinions and has also been viciously attacked.

Oh that's right, you are a hypocrite and wouldn't act consistently.

Sorry, I forgot.

Unknown said...

Hi, this is CaRynn Harris, I just barely found this post. Thank you for defending me and agreeing with me!

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