Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu... reality v. frenzy

I've become rather skeptical, perhaps even conspiratorial, over the last few months.

Up front, I don't believe the government somehow created and planted the Swine Flu, but I have no doubt that the government would use its existence to advance an agenda. I sense a high probability that we're being played to some degree.

Hillary Clinton. Rahm Emanual. President Barack Obama himself. All have expressed the Hegelian ethic that one should never let a good crisis go to waste. In fact, it's been repeated so often it seems it's just public policy now. The advancement of socialism is hiding in plain sight.

So, my warning is to watch for changes to health care. After all, a global pandemic requires a global solution. Watch for changes in our civil liberties, because, after all, our safety is Big Brother's top priority. Some are even saying the Swine Flu could create instability in the financial markets, clearly necessitating further government intervention into that sector. Changes are afoot, we all know, and watch for the latest "crisis" to serve as a stepping stone for the advancement of those changes.

Comparisons have been made to the 1918 flu outbreak that killed 20 million people. Pardon me for saying so, but I think 91 years worth of medical advancement provides better practices, better vaccines, and better understanding of how disease spreads.

Bottom line is that we're going to be ok.

Don't let some utopian vision-driven bureaucracy tell you otherwise.

The Neal Larson Show

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