Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Greedy Slimy Lawyers

I know many attorneys who are fine people, so I hope the decent lawyers will forgive me while I vent for a moment.

I heard from Paul Steed yesterday. Idaho's law that deals with the "injury to a child" charge is vague. Adults who molest children will plead down at times to this crime. When they do this they are sentenced but will not be placed on the sex offender list, and virtually nobody knows that they have a tendency to sexually harm children.

Some defense lawyers have been building reputations and making lots of money because of this vague portion of Idaho's law.

Paul has been working to include a special classification in the child injury provision that would address sex crimes. And guess what? He's getting some opposition from defense attorneys and even prosecutors who think they should have "prosecutorial discretion."

Do you know what this means? Your neighbor may have molested a child, pleaded down to a lesser charge, and now he's not on the sex offender list. Could this put your child at risk? You bet it could, and attorneys are ok with it because they keep getting business from perverts who don't want to have the stigma of being on "The List".

We'll be talking with Paul Steed on Tuesday's show for a few minutes about this opposition.

The Neal Larson Show

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