Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rory Poop 2010

Ok, so take a look at the logo for Rory Reid's current campaign to become Nevada's governor. Something is conspicuously missing. I'll give you five seconds...

1...2...3...4...5 -- OK time's up!

The last freakin' name!

This campaign is completely doomed to fail. Earlier this summer Rory dropped "Reid" from his campaign because it's become a cuss word, of sorts, especially in Nevada. If his name were Rory Poop, he'd have a better chance of winning than if he used the "R-word" for his last name.

Is it not a paradox that Rory, who under normal conditions would stand any kind of a chance because of who his dad is, actually doesn't stand a chance... because of who his dad is.

His campaign, really, is "You should vote for me because I'm Harry Reid's son, but I don't want you to know that I'm Harry' Reid's son."

Rory is trailing by double digits against a conservative Hispanic candidate. (And that, Harry Reid, is one example of why someone of Hispanic heritage would want to be a Republican. So they can beat your son in the governor's race.)

Note to self: If I have to conceal my last name when running for office, perhaps I shouldn't be running for office.

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