Thursday, August 26, 2010

The New Normal

So my wife recently went through the ritual of going to Wal-Mart, grabbing the school supply list from the display at the front of the store for my 8-year-old's class, and began her trek through the school supplies.

This year, something new was on the list: two reams of paper.

What? Paper? Seemed an odd request, but an obvious one, given the school district's financial woes.

At a little less than three bucks apiece, the two reams weren't that big of a deal. I don't mind spending the money, but I wonder where it's going to stop. In addition to reams of paper, my two older kids had significant fees just for the basics to get into school. Certainly more expensive than in previous years.

I think the schools are a lot like Congress. Once they start taking, they won't stop, even if their financial situation improves. I have no doubt that two reams of paper for my elementary-age children is now a permanent fixture on their school supply list. Same story for the higher fees for middle and high school. Welcome to the new normal.


Anonymous said...

It aint gonna change...that is for sure...

Neal Larson said...

ya... I'm afraid you're probably right on that one.

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