Monday, August 6, 2007

Mitt Romney defends his faith during radio interview

Here's a video of Mitt Romney during an Iowa radio interview, having a testy exchange with the host...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I agree with Romney that he was wrong to have sided in his secular positions against abortion, I agree, that he has a clear and distinct direction towards the correct side now. Also, watching the matter clear through, it seems that his so called flip flopping on the matter is resolved in side of his legislation on the side on life. You have to respect him.

I am tired of his views twisted by the commentators in the press in debates over mormonism to the degree that the weightier matters of his candiacy are overlooked. Lets face it, if we are all so shallow and superficial about religion that we exclude a Romney over his faith, while at the same time voting for a Hillary Clinton who has a lengthy and consistent track record of lies, fraud, deception, dishonesty, and flip flopping, who clearly does not adhere to the broad precepts of any christian religion in practice, other than in her professed word on the matter, we as a nation need to reconsider our own value system collectively.

Romney, as difficult for me to admit this as it is, seems the ONLY consistent candidate on anything in both his personal and professional life, regardless of his membership in the LDS church.

Does a Harry Reid, on the other side of the isle, also a Mormon, do anything for his faith? I say if anything the contrary.

Perhaps living one's religion and adhering to the principles of one's faith may provide a core of integrity that will restore honor to the presidency of this great nation.

The Neal Larson Show

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