Monday, July 30, 2007

Steyn Column, Stupid Parents, and Paris Hilton

Seems like maybe our sex offender laws are getting a little overused. This column by the brilliant Mark Steyn points that out flawlessly. My fear is that if we expand our sex offender category too much, the original intent will be diluted.

Then, there's the story of the Idaho Falls parents boating on the Snake with their kids. This story from Channel Three points out that the parents did not have life jackets on their four and six year old. One word. Asinine.

Finally, Paris Hilton may not get the inheritance she wanted. Sounds like grandpa Hilton is fed up with her partying and drinking ways and that he's pulled her $60 Mil from the will. She'll still be rich no matter what, but maybe this will help her wise up.

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