Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter movie out

Every time a new Harry Potter movie comes out, I take note because my kids are HUGE Harry Potter fans. That being said, we actually did not let them see the last one. My wife and I watched it first and deemed it to be too dark and graphic. My kids were not happy and for months -- even to this day -- we get the "but all the other kids in my class have seen it!" argument, as though the fear of not being a cool Dad would have any sway. I say "ALL the other kids?"

"Ya Dad, all of them." looking at me with that nervous I-hope-he-buys-this-load-of-crap-I'm-feeding-him look.

"So did you send out a questionnaire, or what?"

"Dad! Please let us see it."

"Nope. Sorry."

The one thing I noticed with the Harry Potter movies is that they've gotten progressively darker, scarier, and more ominous. So, again, my wife and I will take a trip to the theater to pre-screen the latest installment, and gear up for another few months of whining from our kids.

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