Friday, July 13, 2007

Ammon water police to "make personal visits".

So the City of Ammon has a two phase water conservation plan. The first phase is to encourage residents to voluntarily stagger their watering so it's not too big a strain.

Phase Two is to monitor water use and those who use too much get ticketed.

I guess we're in Phase one and a half, because they indicated yesterday they were just going to make "personal visits" to those who are using too much. They probably didn't intend it to be this way, but it almost sounds like they just want to intimidate those who are using too much, just -- you know -- rough em' up a little.

So if you're using too much water in Ammon, be prepared for Vinny and Fats to come along and threaten to bust your chops or to take out your kneecaps with a baseball bat.

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